Ciara is the subject matter expert in the area of sales growth for DMCs, agencies, hotels and CVBs. Her clients warmly refer to her as “an international black belt in Conference & Event Sales”. Ciara is a best-selling author of “Steps to WIN in the Meetings Market”. Her Steps to WIN™ Sales Program is a framework and methodology that shows teams how the Buyer Buys. Ciara’s work results in client’s knowing how to get the EDGE on their competitors and generate sustained revenue results faster.
Ciara shares rich content in webinars and workshops around the world that is purely practical and based on reality. She has been an agent for 10 years and a hotelier before that so she deeply understands the Meeting & Event industry. She looks at what happens in our industry every day – how the buyer makes decisions to help with the daily challenges sales teams face in trying to get the attention and interest of the Planner.