If you are having issues connecting to a webinar, certificate class, or digital event please contact the MPI Acadamy at mpiacademy@mpiweb.org or +1 972-702-3063.
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For program details or cancellations, please email MPIAcademy@mpiweb.org.
Below are some frequently asked questions. If an answer to your query is not listed below, you can use this form to contact us.
Frequently Asked Questions
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Q: Can the contact hours I earn here be used to earn or renew my CMP or CAE?
A: As MPI is an accredited provider of CMP and CAE clock hours. When you complete a lesson, a certificate of attendance should be generated and those hours will added to your MPI member transcript (see the above question on how to find yours). You are responsible for self-reporting those hours directly to theEvents Industry Council for CMP clock hour credit or ASAE for the CAE clock hour credit.
Note – You do NOT have to be an MPI member to use the Online Library; you just need to set up an MPI account first. To do so, click here.