Like many during the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, many European countries and MPI Chapters worked quickly to learn, grow, and teach others about how the MICE industry was rapidly evolving, and how meeting and event professionals needed to pivot in order to evolve too. Out of this need for new information and education, the MPI Belgium Chapter created a masterclass series to help support the educational and recovery efforts of the MICE industry for their chapter and the European meeting & event community as a whole.
1 Clock Hour | Domain A: Strategic Planning
This master class strives to provide a platform and opportunity to collectively brainstorm on how we can rethink our businesses to remain relevant in times of crisis. Specifically, we have invited 2 experts in cross-industry innovation, renowned keynote speakers, as well as distinguished authors to discuss the importance of innovation and change vs. fixed mindset.
This session will literally take you out of your comfort zone to find that 'aha!' moment to set you thinking in terms of opportunities to re-invent your business.
During this session, you will ...
1 Clock Hour | Domain G: Meeting or Event Design
It is almost symbolic that we run this session on the very next day the Belgium authorities allow us to run larger meetings. MICE industry will start to revive and we would like to help each other to get back to business faster by initiating the dialog and exchange on how destinations should deal with the new reality
During this session, you will ...
1 Clock Hour | Domain A: Strategic Planning
The events industry is experiencing an unprecedented shift from onsite meetings to events online. Join this master class to learn how you can transform your event into a digital experience such as a webinar, webcast, hybrid meeting, or even a Multi-Hub Meeting.
During this session, you will ....
1 Clock Hour | Domain G: Meeting or Event Design
Have you cooked online? Neither have we!
This is why we decided to organize this online cooking masterclass with the Radisson Blu Astrid Hotels’ Head Chef Jorn Moyson just to try something new.
Together with Radisson Blu Astrid Hotels’ Head Chef Jorn Moyson, we will prepare several delicious summer salads and a lovely dessert ready for your dinner on the 4th of June.
We will provide you with a list of ingredients and Jorn will assist us in preparing dinner like a Chef.
We will not only cook but also discuss how the F&B and catering will look like post-Covid. In between the change of dishes, Quintus Swart, F&B Manager at Radisson Hotel Group (Saudi-Arabia), will give you insights on how post-corona F&B and catering will look like.
During this session, you will ...
1 Clock Hour | Domain G: Meeting or Event Design
As the world moves towards on-line events, achieving engagement and the magic of human-to-human connection has never been more important.
During this interactive session, you’ll hear how IBM creates “moments that matter” for each individual to make their events more engaging.
Join us with SME Dr. Madeleine de Hauke on how understanding the science of human connection can help us construct on-line events that engage and delight participants.
During this session, you will ...
1 Clock Hour | Domain I: Marketing
Suppliers, event planners, conference organizers… we are all looking for ways to stand out from the crowd. To promote your venue, destination, or event within your desired target audience is a huge challenge! How do you reach your desired target audience today? B2B Influencer marketing could be an option, but how does it work?
B2B influencer marketing is a fantastic, creative way with many options to share your story. During our workshops, we share the right tools, strategic insights, and lessons learned/knowledge about the world of B2B influencer marketing and how to reach your goals.
This workshop is created to give you the right insights, the full support that you need to start to start with creating your upcoming campaigns.
During this session, you will ...
1 Clock Hour | Domain G: Meeting or Event Design
Navigating to the digital domain and online events took many event planners by surprise. While this domain creates lots of uncertainties, it also provides many more opportunities for event organisers and their organisation stakeholders.
This online meeting is not a promotion of a certain product, but a very unbiased view of a consultant experienced in digital marketing, event operation, and online events.
During this session, you will ...
1 Clock Hour | Domain E: Human Resouces
Today with home office solutions, and tomorrow with multi-hub offices, teams are working together online rather than in-person. Hardly everybody knows and is using the technology to help the connectivity in remote meetings.
Besides meetings and due to remote workplaces all organizations also need to incorporate team building ideas and engaging activities to motivate, federate by bringing teams closer.
During this session, you will ...
1 Clock Hour | Domain G: Meeting or Event Design
We tend to think that protocol and etiquette knowledge is something that we need to master only when we are dealing with official, governmental events. In reality, etiquette and protocol should be exercised at all levels in the event organization industry.
On one side, etiquette is a code of polite conduct, which is meant to be a guideline for our everyday interactions and is not a set of strict rules carved in stone. Protocol, on the other hand, is rather a set of rules, which facilitates the organization of any kind of official event.
By applying these rules and following the guidelines, event organizers raise their events' standards, make the best impressions, and provide an outstanding experience for their clients, guests, and VIPs. Some of these essentials elements include the proper address to dignitaries, the right dress codes, perfect seating plans, consideration of others, and much more.
While this is all elementary and important, nowadays our meetings and events have shifted to the online space, where we should also look to show our impeccable skills and manners, and be the best version of ourselves.
During this session, you will ...
1 Clock Hour | Domain F: Stakeholder Management
Volunteering is commonly perceived as donating time, energy, and sometimes money for a goodwill project originated by an association or social organisation. Less commonly volunteering is considered as the next step in career advancement or as an opportunity to learn something new, create a specific network, r develop stronger soft skills.
Volunteering at the same time is the driving force for associations' well-being indicating the value of the association that it represents to the community. But how to activate members and non-members into volunteering towards common goals?
In this session, you will ...
1 Clock Hour | Domain I: Marketing
Since the moment the event industry switched to all-digital, the event pricing question became one of the most prominent.
Many industries set the price strategies based on pricing theories or economical and mathematical models, however, the event industry is lacking such a theoretical approach. We develop event pricing in the best case scenario by building the budget, in the worst-case scenario just by applying 'I guess that's going to work' method.
During this session, we will look into several pricing strategy possibilities, outline what is important to take into account and how to define event ticket prices.
In this session, you will ...
1 Clock Hour | Domain A: Strategic Planning
Working to move through feelings of uncertainty and fear while also working to develop a strong mindset, stay focused, and stay competitive during these challenging times for the event industry? This is the master class for you.
By attending this session you will ...
1 Clock Hour | Domain C: Risk Management
As quarantine measures in European countries are slowly being removed, hotels and venues started to be concerned about what the new post-COVID reality will look like for their operations. Can they ensure the safety of their guests? Can they provide virus-clean environments to the event participants? What planners will expect from venues and hotels?
In this session, you will learn ...
We are bringing together examples of nationwide guidance for venues and individually defined conditions for recovery by hotels and venues.
Speakers, experts, and participants include: Convention Bureaus, Hotels, Disinfection, and Medical professionals