Thumbnail for EMEC 2021 | On-Demand Access

EMEC 2021 | On-Demand Access

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As the business events industry sets its sights on a full recovery, now is the time to re-connect as professionals and rebuild our networks for the future. Join us as we come together virtually on 15 June 2021 for MPI’s EMEC, the premier event for European event professionals.

Featuring collaboration-based programming, virtual meet-ups, and learning tracks dedicated to your business and personal growth, EMEC’s programming promises a cohesive education experience that will show you how to make your future as a meeting and event professional. You’ll connect with existing and emerging markets to reimagine not only how to do business, but where and with whom.

  • Thumbnail for Opening Session
    June 15, 2021

    We are delighted that Robbert will start the day and officially declare EMEC 2021 open. 

    This is the first-ever virtual edition of EMEC and is, therefore, a significant moment. Join us as he virtually cuts the ribbon and we get underway. After Robbert concludes his comments he will introduce our virtual hosts, Alastair Greener and Tiffany Kemp. They will help you to understand how to make the most of your virtual experience.

  • Thumbnail for Keynote | The Only Way is Forward
    June 15, 2021
    1 Contact Hours
    We are delighted that Gill Hicks is our opening keynote speaker. Her story and transformation perfectly sets the scene for EMEC 2021. After all the theme is ‘Make your Future’ and there is no better example of this than with the story of Gill.

    This is a keynote you do not want to miss.


  • Thumbnail for Keynote | Science Behind Virtual
    June 15, 2021
    1 Contact Hours

    By now we have all experienced the virtual world of communicating whether we are working remotely and/or keeping in contact with friends and family.

    What do you think of it? Have you found it more tiring than face to face meetings? Have you discovered a problem with boundaries such as working even longer hours or not taking breaks or others in your house interrupting you? Perhaps you’ve found it hard to express yourself appropriately online?

    The good news is that science has developed some insights and answers that you may be interested in.
    By the end of this talk you will have a clearer idea about what is happening to us when communicating virtually and know how to better express yourself emotionally, how to avoid virtual fatigue and how to put boundaries in place so that you thrive.


  • Thumbnail for The Power of a True Event Strategy
    June 15, 2021
    1 Contact Hours

    After a year with way too much time to think and not enough business, now is the moment to have a vital meeting with yourself. If you want success in the new-normal (whatever that means), you’ve got to radiate confidence, passion and inspiration.

    That’s easier said than done, when you’ve had the toughest year ever and when the truth is you really need to make some money. Lots of it. And now.

    But the more you’re in a hurry, the more important it becomes to dig deep into you. Because you cannot afford to have a watered-down version of you running the show. Lukewarm, watered-down you is not going to create the success your bank balance (and your soul) really craves.

  • Thumbnail for How COVID is Changing the Role of Event Data
    June 15, 2021
    1 Contact Hours

    Event data is incredibly valuable. It is essential in helping organisations understand exactly what is happening at their events and how they can improve things in the future. But with virtual and hybrid events now thrown into the mix, managing data is increasingly becoming a complex issue.

    Event planners are collecting more data than ever before. Sponsors and exhibitors are asking for more data to justify ROI. Attendees are getting more concerned about what data they share online – and as in-person events resume, Covid restrictions will force organisers to be a lot more careful on what data they collect from on-site attendees.

    This session will unveil the results of a new research study by Eventsforce investigating the changing role of data across events and why good data management will be critical for your post Covid-19 event strategy. It will explore what steps organisers can take to get more value out of their event data and see some of the growth opportunities a good data management strategy will bring to their events over the coming few years.


  • Thumbnail for Readiness to Return
    June 15, 2021
    1 Contact Hours

    The events industry is now full of questions most of us never thought we would have to ask: How can we be sure when it is safe to meet face-to-face? How can we inspire confidence in employees and volunteers, as well as attendees in returning to physical event spaces? How can event professionals give confidence to organisations that their staff will be in safe hands at an event?

    These questions have levelled the industry to a certain extent; many organisations have made a giant leap into an unknown world (for them) of virtual events. They will be feeling their way towards successful solutions to the questions above for some time rather than relying on wealth of experience, knowledge and networks as they did previously. As we reach these crossroads, we need to make informed decisions. Despite the surrounding volatility and uncertainty there is a vast amount of knowledge and experience we can utilise from the study of organisational psychology to help. We apply thinking behind marketing, strategy, finance, project management and customer service to event design and delivery all the time, but there is so much to be applied from research and practice on leadership, motivation, change management and emotional intelligence.

    This session explores the significant implications of understanding smaller-scale thought processes, behaviours and relationships, in order to take some of the fear out of facing the above ‘big questions’ head on. We will identify explore attendees’ readiness to return to face-to-face events, and begin to develop a toolkit so they can understand others’.

  • Thumbnail for Presenting Remotely: The New Dress for Success
    June 15, 2021
    1 Contact Hours

    For decades, business gurus have told us that in order to succeed, you have to "look the part" of the role you're trying to play. For many, that was a suit and tie, pantsuit, or other semi-formal outfit. For others, it's just a nice dress shirt and dark jeans or a neat, but more casual dress. And yet even after a year of almost exclusively online meetings, so many of our executives and event industry colleagues show up to their online meetings in the digital equivalent of flip-flop sandals: up-the-nose camera angles, poor-quality audio, lighting that makes them look like they're being interrogated in a police drama, and choppy wifi. The new "dress for success" is caring about how you look and sound online- and not just for our events!


    Speaker Image for Brandt Krueger
    Technical Producer, Event Technology Consulting
  • Thumbnail for Meeting Design with Intention
    June 15, 2021
    1 Contact Hours

    We are in-between meeting in a pandemic and the world being vaccinated and this means we are in deeply uncharted waters.

    This session will happen in 15 minutes and offer up 10 ideas for meeting safely in a world that is partially vaccinated, with varied levels of comfort for meetings, eating and eventing right now. This will be based on the lessons learned from our first live event with SITE in 15 months.


    Speaker Image for Tahira Endean
    Tahira Endean, CMP, CITP, CED, DES
    Head of Program, IMEX
  • Thumbnail for How To Lead When Nobody Asked You To
    June 15, 2021
    1 Contact Hours

    Traditionally, leadership roles and titles were bestowed upon people based on their seniority, experience, results achieved, or rank in an organization. In today’s digital age, anyone can be a creator, communities are constantly interacting, and something as simple as a tweet can start a movement. In our always online, hyper-connected climate, having the ability to take an idea, craft it into a vision, and lead a team, usually when nobody asked you to, is a crucial skill that will help you stand out from the crowd.

    Join Anh Nguyen, catalyst behind the #GMIDGoesVirtual movement, founder of the #EventProfsBreakShit community, and head of engagement at twine, as she shares her unique approach towards grassroots, community-focused leadership. In this session, you’ll learn that you don’t need to be a senior VP, executive, CEO, or President to be a leader. You’ll learn that anyone can take an idea, build a shared purpose for your team, and motivate and inspire them to accomplish it.


  • Thumbnail for Collaboration Challenge
    June 15, 2021
    1 Contact Hours
    This is our surprise session. You can be sure of high energy, with twists and turns along the way. Our competitors will have to keep their wits about them. They will need to trust their instinct or their team mates or hopefully both. But who will come out and claim victory? And claiming victory will not be enough as the results will be revealed later in the day.

    Attendees are able to help or hinder. What will they choose to do?

    This is a challenge that will truly test the powers of collaboration. And when collaboration also involves competition there are bound to be some shocks.

    Make sure you have your front row seat to this challenge.
  • Thumbnail for Panel | Outside In
    June 15, 2021
    1 Contact Hours

    This is a top-notch panel. Every single member has great experience and knowledge of running events, the business of events, and the wider strategic issues that the sector needs to address.

    Where is the sector heading? What are the key issues and where are the opportunities? And, how relevant is the work of event professionals?

    You can be sure that we have some hard-hitting questions ready. The beauty of this session is that whilst the panel members have a big soft spot for the events sector, they are ‘distant’ enough from it to be our critical friends to help provide guidance and advice on what needs to happen next.

    Through their constructive comments, you will see events in a new light.


    Speaker Image for Miguel Neves
    Miguel Neves, CMP, DES
    Chief Digital Strategist,
  • Thumbnail for WEC Vegas Beckons
    June 15, 2021
    1 Contact Hours

    In this session, Jessie States will be in conversation with MPI’s President and CEO Paul Van Deventer and Stephen Revetria, who is the current Chairman of MPI. Between them they have stacks of experience and insights to share.

    The global pandemic has severely impacted the events sector. No one has come away unscathed. However, MPI has always had a global outlook helping event professionals at all stages of their careers. Today MPI is more important than ever in being the organisation that helps those professionals cross borders, continents and oceans. Collaboration and having a world view has never been more important. Find out how these senior leaders of MPI see the international opportunities available to you and discover how you can get more involved and develop your career.


    Speaker Image for Paul VanDeventer
    Chief Executive Officer, Meeting Professionals International
    Speaker Image for Stephen Revetria
    Chairman of the Board of Directors, Meeting Professionals International
  • Thumbnail for Reflection | Make the Difference
    June 15, 2021

    In this session Paul will reflect on some of the issues that have been raised and what that means for you and as importantly for how you want to help shape the events sector.

    He will ask that you take action as a result of attending EMEC 2021. It isn’t a big request just a natural one. Little point in attending a virtual conference unless you are going to do something with the insights, thoughts and stories that have been shared.

    But don’t worry you can keep your actions to yourself. There is no need for anything to be shared. This is the time for you to sit back and reflect.


  • Thumbnail for Gratitude Attitude
    June 15, 2021

    In the fast paced world of events, sometimes we need to take a breath, stop and be grateful for all that we have. The desire to always improve, always keep moving and always keep being better than you were before is tiring.

    Being involved in MPI means that you can stop and celebrate key moments. You can be with kindred spirits and people that understand what it means to be an events professional. There is a lot to be grateful for.

    In this session we offer our thanks to those people that have helped us and we take a look at what we can do to help others.

    But it’s not all about words, we have some a surprise or two in store in this session.

  • Thumbnail for EMEC 2022 | Closing
    June 15, 2021

    As the virtual production heads into the final stages, we look forward to the closing comments of Annette Gregg, Senior Vice President, Experience for MPI.

    Closing comments can often be overlooked but you don’t want to miss the thoughts and sentiment of Annette. She is an inspirational presence and is sure to help us end a thought-provoking event on a big note.

    And let’s not forget she will be announcing the winners of the challenges. You better stay tuned.

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