
Teaching Events in Higher Education: New Career Path for Industry Professionals

June 5, 2018

Have you considered making the leap into teaching, but aren't quite sure where to start? Kansas State University Assistant Professor Kristin Malek will share her experience as a former industry professional who has transitioned full-time into academia. Indiana University Department Chair Amanda Cecil will offer her perspective as a faculty member charged with hiring faculty and staff. Learn the differences between teaching at community colleges, four-year universities and research universities. Each level will be discussed in terms of expectations for part-time and full-time faculty as well as minimum education and experience requirements for teachers.

Learning Objectives:

  • Explore teaching opportunities at a variety of hospitality, tourism, event or business-focused programs
  • Position yourself for teaching in higher education
  • Discuss the faculty expectations from an administrative point of view


Speaker Image for Kristin Malek
Kansas State University
Speaker Image for Amanda Cecil
Assistant Professor, Indiana University

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