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Strategic Hotel Contracts: Plan & Think Before You Ink

April 24, 2018

0.2 CSEP Points | ILEA Core Curriculum: Event Planning - Development
1Clock Hour | Domain D: Financial Management

Hotel contracts are complicated, but are a must to define responsibilities and make mutual obligations perfectly clear. In
the Strategic Meetings Management (SMM) landscape, hotel contract risk mitigation has become an important metric. In this interactive workshop, attendees will discuss a multitude of topics on methods to negotiate contracts that assure added meeting value, cost savings and risk mitigation, including
dispute resolution.

Learner Outcomes: 

  • Discuss industry trends and variables that impact hotel contract negotiations
  • Review key hotel contract performance clauses and risk reduction and cost containment methods
  • Learn dispute resolutions strategies in the event of non-performance (by either party)
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Speaker Image for Terri Woodin
Vice President, Marketing & Global Meeting Services, Meeting Sites Resource

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