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Coronavirus Dialogue Series: Event Risk Management in a Post-Pandemic World

April 29, 2020
1 Contact Hours
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MPI is the meeting and event industry’s home for education, enabling meeting professionals around the world in their quest to host meetings that matter for communities, organizations, businesses, NGOs and governments…

1 Clock Hour | Domain C: Risk Management 

As the world recovers from the current crisis, and clients start to hold events again, identifying and reducing risk in the post-Coronavirus period will be vital to ensure safety, reputation, financial viability. This session discusses the importance of an integrated and formalized risk management process in event planning, as well as some of the new risks and associated contingencies that are likely to be the new norm for events in the near future.

Learner Outcomes:

1. Understand the importance of integrating formalized risk management processes into event planning teams.

2. Identify potential high-risk issues related to post-Coronavirus programs in order to inform event design.

3. Develop simple event contingency plans to facilitate a coordinated response to emergencies and lower overall risk levels.

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Speaker Image for Martin Hanneman
President, Astrea Risk Management

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