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Community Content - Grab Bag!

Welcome to MPI's community content on a GRAB BAG of best practices submitted by you, our industry's greatest asset! Find a series of short 5-minute-or-less micro-lessons, sessions and conversations recorded by your friends, colleagues and industry friends on the critical skills necessary to not just survive in the jobs of today and tomorrow.

Are you passionate about a topic you’d like to share with your community? Record a micro-session and share your knoweldge on a GRAB BAG of best practices with your peers! Start by submitting a content proposal today!

Click Here to Start!

  • Thumbnail for Thought Ladder to Success

    Our thoughts is how we create our world.  The thought tool that I would like to practice with you, helps us go from thinking one thought to thinking a completely new thought and belief.  This is how we shift our beliefs and achieve our goals.   I will show you how to work with any disempowering belief that you have.   


    • Mindset
    • Overcoming Disempowering Beliefs


    Speaker Image for Kristine Iverson
    President, Crow Practice
    Standard Price
  • Thumbnail for 3 Differentiators in Today's Seller Marketplace
    September 1, 2022

    It's a crowded marketplace for suppliers in the meeting and event space. From hotels and destinations to service providers, meeting professionals have a lot of choice in who they can partner with to deliver on expemplary experiences for their stakeholders. Want to stand out? Discover three ways MPI's research says you can gain a competitive advantage in today's market.


    • Discover what meeting professionals are looking for in a partner.
    • Gain new ideas for how to start conversations that matter with meeting professionals.
    • Stand out from your competition and gain more business.
    Standard Price
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