
Kristine Iverson

President, Crow Practice

Based in the Florida sunshine, author Kristine Iverson loves to share her passion for wellbeing and mindfulness. She is a keynote speaker, wellness advocate, activist and business owner. Her diverse experience gives a wide perspective on the methods of wellbeing and self care in everyday life.

Naturally gifted in hospitality, Kristine absolutely loves to share this passion with others through her company, CROW Practice, LLC. Coordinated Response on Wellness, works as a national hub of wellness experts who bring both live and virtual sessions to events. For nearly a decade this network has provided endless opportunities for health and wellness to be added to any event, meeting or conference. Kristine is a keynote speaker and can be hired via one of these two websites.


  • Thumbnail for Thought Ladder to Success
    Our thoughts is how we create our world.  The thought tool that I would like to practice with you, helps us go from thinking one thought to thinking a completely new thought and belief.  This is how we shift our beliefs and achieve our goals…


    Speaker Image for Kristine Iverson
    President, Crow Practice
    Standard Price
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