
Samantha Evans CAE, MBA

Certification Manager, International Association of Accessibility Professionals (IAAP)

Samantha (Sam) Evans, CAE, MBA, is the Certification Manager at the International Association of Accessibility Professionals (IAAP), a division of G3ict, where she works with accessibility subject matter experts and professionals around the world to maintain, build and deliver accessibility certification programs. Sam facilitates the work of IAAP and the accessibility community to establish benchmarks of knowledge, skills and concepts for the accessibility professional. Sam is also an active accessibility and inclusion advocate. Sam holds an MBA in Marketing and International Business from Kennesaw State University and has more than 20 years of experience in association management. Sam has served on ASAE CAE Standard Setting, CAE Item Writing, Gold Circle Committee, D&I Advisory Group. Sam has served in many roles within GSAE as a Foundation Board member, SIG leader, and is a current member of the GSAE Board of Directors. Sam also serves on the Institute for Credentialing Excellence DEI Committee, NASW Credentialing Committee, EIC Centre for Sustainability and Social Impact: Accessibility Guide Task Force and most recently as an invited subject matter expert focus group for the CMP Competency Profile and Job Task Analysis initiative.
