
Paula Blomster

Conference Manager, Suomen Messut Osuuskunta

Paula Blomster holds a Master's degree in Social Sciences and has accomplished advanced studies in Economics and Business. Paula has worked in Austria, Denmark, Germany, and Nicaragua besides her home country Finland. She is currently in charge of international sales in the largest exhibition and convention center in Finland, Messukeskus Helsinki. She is past president of MPI Finland and currently a member of MPI European Advisory Council.


  • Thumbnail for Striving for sustainable excellence? Case study of EAIE 2019 conference
    January 8, 2021
    1 Contact Hours
    The EAIE Conference and Exhibition is the largest international higher education conference in Europe and the second-largest in the world. In 2019 it gathered 6,200 participants in Helsinki, the capital of Finland…


    Speaker Image for Paula Blomster
    Conference Manager, Suomen Messut Osuuskunta
    Speaker Image for Sabrina Van Spijker
    Senior Events Coordinator, European Association for International Education
    Standard Price
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