Paul Bulencea

When Paul Bulencea (MA in Innovation in Tourism) and Claus Raasted (not even a BA in Philosophy) are not at each others’ throats over professional disagreements, they're creating extraordinary experiences. Bulencea is the analytical innovator. Raasted is the production powerhouse. They are both Founders of the College of Extraordinary Experiences, together with Jane Fleming, Mark Ordesky and Joe Pine.

When asked to provide “pertinent person details”, the two often go off on weird tangents, and tell outrageous stories. Bulencea once got a gun pulled on him atop a mountain in Georgia and Raasted is featured in a documentary about open relationships. If you meet them, don't ask to hear the Batman joke, but instead the story about the Batman joke, which is much better. The joke is pretty bad.

The pair are also fans of presenting bios that sound like they're shared at a 4 am drunken binge rather than on LinkedIn, but in case there are people who like the boring and “serious”, here's some nice-sounding facts to end the bio:

Paul Bulencea: Author of Gamification in Tourism. Lecturer, Consultant, Experience Designer


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