
Lou Novick

National Director, Associations in the Nonprofit Practice of Gallagher

Lou Novick is the National Director - Associations in the Nonprofit Practice of Gallagher. As the former President of the Novick Group, Inc., a commercial property & casualty broker located in the suburbs of Washington, DC, he emerged as a leading authority in the nonprofit insurance and risk management market. In July 2019, Novick Group was acquired by Arthur J. Gallagher & Co., one of the world’s largest and most respected insurance brokerage and risk management firms. Prior to starting Novick Group, Lou worked for Marsh & McLennan in the Washington, DC office of Smith-Sternau (now Mercer Health & Benefits Insurance Services, LLC)


  • Thumbnail for Event Cancellation Insurance in the Coronavirus Era
    May 4, 2020
    Event Cancellation Insurance (ECI) In the Coronavirus Era: Coverage, Claims and Changes in The Market is a top level discussion to answer FAQ’s and help frame meeting planners’ expectations in three areas:


    Speaker Image for Lou Novick
    National Director, Associations in the Nonprofit Practice of Gallagher
    Standard Price
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