Kirsten _Epskamp

Kirsten Epskamp

Director of Operations, European Nuclear Society

Project Management is my thing – event management is my passion. As the Director of Operations of an international Association I am responsible for the creation of well-established events with a recognizable `brand` and a loyal customer base that ensure a stable and predictable contribution of revenues to the associations’ budget. In the end it all comes down to bringing people together, enable them to connect, share the moment – and make them come back again the next year. It is an immediate feeling of accomplishment and success and I still enjoy every moment after more than 12 years in the business.


  • Thumbnail for De-risk Your Event – How Awareness and Preparedness Help Planners Reduce Event Risks
    December 10, 2019
    1 Contact Hours
    The webinar will introduce Risk Management for events. Starting from some ‘real’ live examples from the industry it will provide an overview of what risk is and its various forms for event planners…


    Speaker Image for Kirsten  Epskamp
    Director of Operations, European Nuclear Society
    Speaker Image for Bénédicte  Losseau
    Partner, Events / Director of Conferences & Exhibitions, Europe , Exempla Management & Consulting / ASIS International
    Standard Price
    Free for 
    • Essential
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    • Premier
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