
Jo Lichten PH.D.

Speaker, Author, Dr. Jo, Inc.

Now a grandma of seven cuties, Dr. Jo®, knows what it’s like to juggle a full-time business with home responsibilities, plus chisel out “me-time”. And, she’s here to offer hope, humor, and real-life strategies. Jo’s presented more than 1000 programs to conferences and companies and is the proud recipient of the CSP (Certified Speaking Professional) designation from the National Speakers Association.

Jo attempts to live a peaceful, stress-free life in sunny, warm Florida with her husband, John – and kids and grandkids nearby. But stress still comes her way. She can’t seem to outrun her perfectionistic, type A personality, nor the lingering effects of growing up in a one-bathroom house with a family of eleven. Tap dancing and chocolate help (no, not at the same time)!


  • Thumbnail for Womens Virtual Summit
    March 6, 2020
    3 Contact Hours
    What Every Woman Wants - Great Legs, More Energy, and Peace of Mind


    Speaker Image for Tracy Judge
    Tracy Judge, MS, CMP
    Founder & Chief Connector, Soundings
    Speaker Image for Pamela Jett
    Communication and Leadership Skills Expert, Jett Communication, Inc.
    Speaker Image for Jo Lichten
    Jo Lichten, PH.D.
    Speaker, Author, Dr. Jo, Inc.
    Speaker Image for Howard Cleveland
    Co-Founder, PeopleCap, PeopleCap
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