
Gayle Cotton Emmy Award Winner, Bestselling Author

President, Circles Of Excellence Inc., CIRCLES OF EXCELLENCE INC.

Gayle Cotton is a National Emmy Award Winner and the author of the Bestselling Book, ‘SAY Anything to Anyone, Anywhere! 5 Keys to Successful Cross-Cultural Communication’. She is President of Circles Of Excellence Inc., and a distinguished keynote speaker. She has presented for the United Nations, the World Health Organization, the U.S. Government, and more than 50 Fortune 500 companies around the world. She has been featured on BBC News, NBC News, Good Morning America, PM Magazine, and PBS More. Gayle has the distinction of being the first American to be accepted as a member of the ‘European Marketing and Sales Experts’, and is a Certified Expert in the ‘Executive Foundation for International Communication’. She is a Speaker Resource for Young Presidents' Organization (YPO), World Presidents’ Organization (WPO), Chief Executives Organization (CEO), and Entrepreneurs’ Organization (EO). An internationally recognized authority on Cross-Cultural Communication, Gayle educates, entertains, and inspires audiences. She is on the leading edge of business communication, and has won the respect of World Leaders, Ambassadors, and Executives around the world that turn to her for her expertise. Her vast experience living and working abroad has made her a ‘first choice’ request for international audiences!


  • Thumbnail for Say Anything to Anyone, Anywhere! 5 Keys to Cross-Cultural Communication
    June 12, 2016
    1 Contact Hours
    Is what you say actually what you mean? Differences are the spice of life, but cultural differences can be the source of embarrassing blunders and miscommunication for business and social travelers alike! This presentation will increase your self-awareness and help you adapt your style in multicult…


    Speaker Image for Gayle Cotton
    Gayle Cotton, Emmy Award Winner, Bestselling Author
    President, Circles Of Excellence Inc., CIRCLES OF EXCELLENCE INC.
    Standard Price
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