Elena Rodríguez Blanco

Authenticitys Experiences

Elena Rodríguez Blanco is a social entrepreneur and is currently the CEO and co-founder of Authenticitys. She grew up in Central America and has worked in three different continents including over a decade of experience in projects for public and private institutions such as Deutsche Bank (NYC), the European Central Bank (Frankfurt) and General Electric International. She has honed her expertise in social innovation and has served as a mentor and coach for more than 300+ organisations and entrepreneurs through ESADE-BBVA Momentum Project, StartupPirates, Sustainability Jam , Service Design Jam,Team Academy Start Up Process, and MakeSense amongst others.

Elena has a Masters in Business Administration (MBA) from Università Bocconi (exchange in Wharton School) a Masters in Development Management from London School of Economics and a Masters in Team Coaching Entrepreneurship pedagogy from Team Academy and Partus.Approved Bio on File


  • Thumbnail for Cities, Experiences and Social Innovation
    March 7, 2017
    1 Contact Hours
    By 2035, nearly 70% of the population will live in urban areas. In this session, explore how you can be a part of solutions to urban challenges…


    Speaker Image for Elena Rodríguez Blanco
    Authenticitys Experiences
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