
Cheryl Payne CMP, CMM

Strategic Partner, INNOV8 Meetings + Events

Cheryl has been in the hospitality industry for nearly two decades. As a Strategic Partner at INNOV8 Meetings + Events she elevates her customer’s experience by providing unparalleled meeting management support services as well as knowledge on all aspects of Strategic Meetings Management.

She is a professional speaker/facilitator and provides cutting edge education to the meetings and events industry. She also contributes expert articles to several meeting industry trade publications on a wide range of topics ranging from Strategic Meetings Management, Contract Strategy, Budget & Cost Savings Techniques, and more!

Cheryl has earned the prestigious CMP and CMM certifications. She is a Past President of the MPI, Orange County Chapter and has served as Chair of the MPI International Apex Advisory Task Force. As President, she was responsible for overseeing a 19-member Board and 400+ member Chapter. Cheryl has received many industry awards and accolades such as: Connect 40/40 Highly Successful & Influential Industry Leaders and MPI Exceptional Leadership Award. She continues to advance the meetings industry through industry volunteerism, serving on multiple Advisory Boards and consulting industry programs on strategic initiatives.
