Digital credentials also known as digital badges have become popular among many different industry sectors as a way for designees to display their educational achievements.
As we work to build our collection of digital badges, you can purchase them here, ad hoc, should the badge be created after you have taken the course!
Once purchased, these badges are good for a lifetime.
Please note, that before a badge is issued an MPI Academy staff member will review your eligibility. If you took a class in person or at a special event, don't hesitate to get in touch with the MPI Academy before purchasing at to ensure you receive your badge. If you have not taken a course and attempt to purchase a badge an MPI Academy staff member will contact you directly with the next steps on getting you enrolled for the course.
Your badge will be issued within 10 business days via Badgr. Your badge will be issued to the email address used to purchase this badge. We recommend using one email for all your badges to be issued to in order to have one email for your Badgr account.
Thank you!