Your ​Personal ​Brand ​Makes ​You ​Exceptional

April 24, 2019

It ​used ​to ​be ​that ​your ​reputation ​in ​school ​was ​focused ​on ​what ​you ​wore ​and ​who ​you ​hung ​out ​with... ​

Now, ​that ​personal ​brand ​is ​all ​about ​how ​you ​perform ​on ​the ​job, ​and ​what ​you ​do ​best ​in ​a ​way ​that ​conveys ​value ​to ​potential ​business ​partners, ​customers, ​or ​even ​employers. ​ ​This ​session, ​lead ​by ​career ​management ​coach ​Dawn ​Rasmussen, ​CMP, ​will ​guide ​you ​through ​developing ​and ​honing ​this ​brand ​and ​understanding ​how ​and ​where ​to ​put ​that ​brand ​out ​there ​to ​the ​greater ​universe.


  • Develop ​a ​compelling ​brand ​that ​articulates ​your ​value ​proposition
  • Learn ​how ​to ​integrate ​it ​into ​your ​work ​persona
  • Discover ​which ​social ​media ​platforms ​are ​important ​for ​conveying ​that ​personal ​brand


Speaker Image for Dawn Rasmussen
President, Résumé writer, Author, Speaker, Pathfinder Writing and Career Services

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