Basics Boot Camp 12.16.2020

December 16, 2020

Cost: $499 member/ $699 non-member

Domain A: Strategic Planning | 6 clock hours

If you been involved with the design and creation of meetings and events for 10 months or 10 years, there are certain definable and demonstrable steps to ensuring successful execution, delivery and measurement. MPI’s Basics Boot Camp offers a lightning-fast deep dive into the fundamentals of successful event planning—from defining meeting goals and objectives and identifying stakeholders through meeting design, development, RPFs and contracting to food and beverage, staging, audiovisual, and more.

This certificate class touches on every element of the meeting planning process, offering you the opportunity to employ best practices for your business, make changes to your processes and procedures and ensure that your operations conform with industry-leading standards. Basics Boot Camp offers a strong foundation in the core skills and practices necessary to plan meetings and events.

If you are new to event planning—or you’ve been doing this for a while—this A-Z certificate class offers a series of best practices and must-perform tactics to ensure successful event execution for any level.

You’ll Be Able To:

• Identify meeting stakeholders, and employ your role as intermediary and mediator to evaluate their needs toward designing right-fit experiences
• Define event goals and SMART objectives, and employ strategies for measuring the value of your meetings
• Develop budgets and blueprints, and assess potential risks associated with your meeting or event
• Manage the RFP process, conduct well-thought-out and precise site inspections, select vendors and develop contracts
• Design your meeting using key elements that enable your organization to achieve on its meeting goals and objectives
• Manage speakers and conference content design, design room sets, work with audiovisual teams and design technical plans
• Plan menus and arrange transportation and attendee movement plans
• Oversee pre- and post-conference meetings and onsite logistics and conduct program evaluations
• Communicate success metrics to meeting stakeholders

Participants Also Receive:

Basics Boot Camp: Meeting Fundamentals Certificate

6 clock hours in CMP-IS Strategic Domain A: Strategic Planning or Domain G: Meeting or Event Design


Speaker Image for Lori Pugh Marcum
Lori Pugh Marcum, CMP, CMM, HMCC, CED
Head of Meeting Innovation, Meeting Professionals International

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