1 Clock Hour | Domain A: Strategic Planning
Global hotel industry trends showing where the industry has been and where the industry is going for the top US and international cities will be presented. Key performance metrics shared will include the hotel room rate, hotel room demand, and hotel occupancy. A major focus will be given to the meetings side of the hotel business including a look at markets with a growing pipeline of hotels with meeting space. Additional factors impacting the industry such as Airbnb, convention/conference center renovations, environmental issues and seasonal impacts (holidays, hurricanes and special events such as festivals and sporting events) will also be shared. Meeting planners will receive information to help them in the selection of markets and hotels for their meetings. Suppliers will learn what role the hotel plays in the overall meetings landscape and why shifts in the hotel business impact the entire meeting's business.
Learner Outcomes:
1. Improved decision making when selecting a hotel or destination to host your meeting or event
2. An understanding of trends driving current changes in the hotel industry
3. 2020 and 2021 hotel forecasts for the major US and International cities
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