Digital credentials also known as digital badges have become popular among many different industry sectors as a way for designees to display their educational achievements.

As we work to build our collection of digital badges, you can purchase them here, ad hoc, should the badge be created after you have taken the course! 

Once purchased, these badges are good for a lifetime.

Please note, that before a badge is issued an MPI Academy staff member will review your eligibility. If you took a class in person or at a special event, don't hesitate to get in touch with the MPI Academy before purchasing at to ensure you receive your badge. If you have not taken a course and attempt to purchase a badge an MPI Academy staff member will contact you directly with the next steps on getting you enrolled for the course. 

Your badge will be issued within 10 business days via Badgr. Your badge will be issued to the email address used to purchase this badge. We recommend using one email for all your badges to be issued to in order to have one email for your Badgr account.

Thank you!

Showing results 1 - 14 of 14
  • Thumbnail for Digital Badge | HMCC
    May 26, 2022
    Earned or refreshed your HMCC before 2021 and want to verify your hard work with a digital credential? You can make a badge only purchase (now incorporated in the cost of the class) and receive yours today!
    Standard Price
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  • Thumbnail for Digital Badge | CMP Academy
    May 26, 2022
    The Certified Meeting Professional designation is a must-have for event organizers, designers, and strategists who want to demonstrate their professionalism to employers, peers and clients…
    Standard Price
    Premier save $1
  • Thumbnail for Digital Badge | Basics Boot Camp
    May 26, 2022
    There’s a reason “Start with the basics” is a phrase so commonly used to introduce any learning. The basics are the most important aspects or principles that you should learn first…
    Standard Price
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  • Thumbnail for Digital Badge | Women in Leadership
    May 26, 2022
    If you have been involved with the design and creation of meetings and events for 10 months or 10 years, there are certain definable and demonstrable steps to ensuring successful execution, delivery and measurement…
    Standard Price
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  • Thumbnail for Digital Badge | Sustainable Event Strategist
    May 26, 2022
    With the launch of the UN Sustainable Development Goals in 2015, the government and industry have refocused toward the 2030 achievement of responsible targets from poverty, hunger, and education to climate action, clean energy, and sustainable growth…
    Standard Price
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  • Thumbnail for Digital Badge | Meeting and Event Strategist
    May 26, 2022
    As automation and AI increasingly create efficiencies in the modern workforce, meeting professionals must embrace a role that is shifting increasingly into the strategic space…
    Standard Price
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  • Thumbnail for Digital Badge | Inclusive Event Strategist
    May 26, 2022
    MPI’s Inclusive Events Strategist certificate focuses on practical actions that meeting professionals on both sides of the marketplace can take to create inclusive environments at their events…
    Standard Price
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  • Thumbnail for Digital Badge | Event Wellness Design
    May 26, 2022
    Research indicates that while meeting and event professionals continue to plan safe, engaging events using virtual and hybrid platforms or in-person, the question still remains, what is next? How do we prepare for a world of events where attendee hesitation still exists? When designing an event, at…
    Standard Price
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  • Thumbnail for Digital Badge | Event Marketing Strategist
    May 26, 2022
    With MPI’s Event Marketing Strategist certificate program, you’ll understand what it takes to meet brand goals and objectives through events—regardless of the platform…
    Standard Price
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  • Thumbnail for Digital Badge | Event Leadership Strategist
    May 26, 2022
    The Event Leadership Strategist Certificate Course is a 4-hour course designed for new to mid-level professionals who want to develop and strengthen their unique leadership voice…
    Standard Price
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  • Thumbnail for Digital Badge | Event Data Analysis
    May 26, 2022
    The Event Data Analysis course can best be described as a practitioner’s journey from problem identification to presentation of recommendations. As our roles continue to evolve within the meetings industry, becoming more strategic is at the core of our evolution…
    Standard Price
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  • Thumbnail for Digital Badge | Emergency Preparedness
    May 26, 2022
    Your No. 1 role as a meeting professional isn’t executing flawless experiences or driving business results for your organization. It’s ensuring the safety and security of the people you have brought together onsite…
    Standard Price
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  • Thumbnail for Digital Badge | Contract Negotiation Strategist
    May 26, 2022
    Contracting and negotiation are crucial—yet complex—roles for meeting professionals and understanding legal terminology and common contract clauses (and the liabilities they protect against) allows meeting professionals to negotiate from a position of strength…
    Standard Price
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  • Thumbnail for Digital Badge | CMM - Prior to 2018
    June 13, 2022
    The meetings and event industry is rapidly changing. No longer are we tied to only the practical or application-based modes of executing our craft, rather, more and more meeting professionals are taking a front seat in leading and growing their organizations through the power of meetings and events…
    Standard Price
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