Domain E: Human Resources| 4 clock hours
Cost: $305 Member/ $405 Non-Member
Women play key roles in the hospitality and meeting industries, but many find it challenging to move into leadership positions. In fact, recent studies show that women are 28% less likely to get an executive-level position even if they possess the skills that make other job applicants attractive candidates for CEO, COO, CMO, and CFO positions. What are the skills necessary to be considered for these types of high-level leadership roles, and how do they translate to the level of leadership you seek for your current and future career?
Learn about the key roles women play in the hospitality and meeting industries and how to overcome career obstacles to executive-level positions—or the right-fit leadership level for you. Review and learn from real-life case studies of women who have overcome adversity to excel in the meetings space, while maintaining the right balance for their personal and professional lives. Examine what skills they possess, the decisions they made and what actions they took to enable their industry leadership.
Analyze your own personal leadership skills using a Clifton StrengthsFinder 2.0 assessment to discover the areas you excel, and where you can fill gaps with future training and advancement. Think about where you want your career and leadership to grow in the next three to five years and create an action and development plan that advances your career, your leadership, and your influence.
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