Intro to Event Design - Level 1- with the Event Design Collective | 4.25.2024

Date: April 25, 2024

Time: 10:00AM - 05:00PM

You must be registered to participate!

Cost: $505 Member/ $705 Non-Member

Domain G: Meeting or Event Design | 8 Clock Hours

Event Design - Level 1

Introduction to Event Design with the Event Design Collective

Experience being in an event design team. Apply the Event Design using the Event Canvas™ Methodology on a case study. Explore Empathy Mapping. Identify the CHANGE of behavior per stakeholder. Then FRAME the event design challenge by locking in all the design constraints. Articulate the change required and then prototype various event designs. Come full circle as a team having applied the Event Design using the Event Canvas methodology with 6 roles and the Facilitation Kit.

Two virtual interactive introduction sessions of Event Design using the #EventCanvas™ Methodology as a basic skillset, including Stakeholder Analysis, Empathy Mapping, and using the Event Canvas for basic prototyping. After this course, you will have experienced what it’s like to be on an Event Design Team. You will be able to apply the #EventCanvas to articulate how your event can change behavior of the stakeholders.

This virtual experience is limited to 20 students! Register to reserve your seat today.

What You'll Learn

  • Apply the Empathy Map, Event Canvas and Event Delta to analyze stakeholder behavior as a design team member
  • Prototype Event Designs to articulate the narrative of the event design
  • Be able to articulate the purpose of Event Design using the Event Canvas™ Methodology to demonstrate the value of an event.

What You'll Receive

  • Certificate of Completion from EDC
  • A digital badge from MPI
  • Excusive access to EDC resources
  • Coupon code to save $$$ on an EDC Level 3 course to further your education in event design

This course will be taught by Devon Pascha, CED. Devon is based in McAllen, TX and serves as Director North America for Event Design Collective. Devon signed up for an EDC Level 3 program in 2021 and Event Design felt like a warm bath to her. After the MasterMInd program and her CED+, she decided to join the team. She now leads the development of open programs and academic programs of Event Design Collective in the United States and she leads the development of Event Design Collective in Canada.