Digital Experience | Destination: YOU – Becoming the Main Character 12.07.2022

December 7, 2022 | 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM CST | 3.0 Clock Hours

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One of the most beautiful things about MPI and the community of meeting professionals, destinations, venues around the world are the unique stories that exist – that weave together to make up the fabric of who we are as an industry.

In MPI’s 50th year, we want to celebrate these stories and provide a platform to honor the stories of the past, present, and future. Because who we have been the last 50 years, helps define who we will be in the next.
Too often though, event professionals are kept behind the scenes, their stories hidden. Today, we want to change that and make #eventprofs the main character of MPI’s story, and their own.

What is Main Character Energy? It’s a popular term for being the protagonist of your own life, the hero of your own story. As we close out the year, conclude your journey inward by reaching your final destination – you.

Join us as we feature the stories of our community, hear about their own journeys, and learn about the dynamic and complex identities that create the story of our industry and of MPI.

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Don't miss our previous Destination: YOU

Digital Experience | Destination: YOU – Social Wellness & The Value of Authenticity 09.20.2022

September 20, 2022 | 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM CST | 3.0 Clock Hours

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We often say that meetings are the spaces where we change the world. When people come together under the auspice of transformational events, they often leave emboldened, better, more determined to be an agent of that change.

With this, we must continue to not only think critically about what we are contributing back to the world we impact daily, but also, how we contribute, and how we create space for others to participate.

When we think about topics like wellness, or inclusivity, not only who they include, but who have they historically excluded, and how do we change that dynamic? Join us for our first installment of Destination: YOU where we explore how wellness, identity, and authenticity intersect to create meaningful change for individuals, within our events, and within ourselves.

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Platform: Webex Events

Accessibility Features:

  • Wordly real time AI powered interpretation and translation
  • Transcriptions

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