Inclusive Event Strategist | On Demand Edition

Inclusive Event Strategist

Inclusive Event Strategist

Domain ​G: Meeting or Event Design| 4 clock hours

Cost: $299 Member/ $399 Non-Member

The Spirit of Inclusion goes beyond basic legal compliance to welcoming and embracing the many aspects of diversity and different perspectives that create powerful experiences and environments for problem-solving, innovation and success. Inclusion is the right thing to do … but it also enhances business value and profits for organizations when they send the right messages to audiences and embrace all the ways in which people are different.

MPI’s Inclusive Events Strategist certificate focuses on practical actions that meeting professionals on both sides of the marketplace can take to create inclusive environments at their events. Explore the different dimensions of diversity to ensure the full and respectful participation of all participants and attendees, as well as your role as an inclusion broker for the diverse groups you represent.

Explore recent MPI Foundation research conducted by the New York University Jonathan M. Tisch Center of Hospitality and discover where meeting professionals are excelling in the creation of welcoming environments, and the areas where they could improve in enhancing the experience for diverse groups. Meanwhile, gain access to more than 350 best practices for designing and executing inclusive experiences that embrace all your diverse attendees.

MPI’s focus is not on changing individual beliefs or ideas. Our goal is to explore the topic of inclusion and its relationship to the success of events and to provide strategies and actions that you can take to create inclusive experiences.

You’ll Be Able To:

  • Utilize key findings from MPI research on inclusion to make the business case for greater efforts toward welcoming environments at your organization
  • Explain the business case for inclusion, and why creating objectives and tactics for inclusion will benefit your business or organization
  • Use the dimensions of diversity in your event strategy and design to create fully inclusive environments
  • Embrace your role of inclusion broker, and strategies you can use in representing the diverse people at your meetings and events
  • Recommend actions you and your organization can take to create inclusive environments
  • Commit to taking actions that create an environment of inclusion by completing an Inclusive Action Plan

Participants of this course receive

  • 4 clock hours in CMP-IS Strategic Domain I: Marketing
  • Certificate of Completion
  • Participant Guide

© 2021 Meeting Professionals International, All Rights Reserved. This on-demand course and all content is owned by Meeting Professionals International and should only be accessed by the purchaser for the sole purpose of personal education. Any group or organization seeking access should contact for a group rate. You may not copy, reproduce, distribute, publish, display, perform, modify, create derivative works, or transmit any parts of this course, including the presentation and participant guide. Any questions regarding copyrights of the course materials should be directed to the MPI Academy at

Activities Included:

Module 1: Intro & The Power of Inclusion

Module 2: Dimensions of Diversity

Module 3: Research & Best Practices, Part 1

Module 4: Research & Best Practices, Part 2

Module 5: Inclusion Scenario Activity & Next Steps

Course Evaluation