
Keith Herman

Founder, IPA Equities

Mr. Herman is known globally as a public keynote speaker and business growth expert in the fields of technology and innovation. He speaks about Business Growth, Leadership, Innovation, Disruptive Blockchain Technologies, Healthcare, Cryptocurrency, Investing, Raising Capital, Private Equity, Venture Capital, and Startups.

Mr. Herman is an entrepreneur and the founder of IPA Equities. During his career he has owned and restructured more than 50 businesses in the fields of technology, finance, media and real estate. He has raised more than $500M and represented over 200 technology companies. Additionally, he architected, incubated and scaled more than 10 startups.

As a global thought leader he is highly sought after to serve on advisory Boards, as a business growth expert, and as a keynote public speaker. Audiences include fortune 100 & 500 companies, prominent Founders, C-level Executives, VC & PE Firms, Family Offices, and more. He also is a contributor to many publications and sits as a judge for technology startup pitch competitions alongside noteworthy VCs, PE Firms and more.

As a leading authority he delivers powerful and authentically unique keynote speeches. His intention above all is to deliver a meaningful and memorable experience for all as he delivers from the heart, and shares personal and relatable experiences of challenges, tragedies and triumphs providing insight, wisdom, and hope. He is inspirational and motivational leaving his audiences enthralled, educated and entertained.
