Dena Blizzard is One Funny Mother, as known as the “Target mom” from her Back to School Rant (150 Million views) and Chardonnay Go (24 Million views) viral videos. She is a comedian and mother of three who’s written and starred in her Off-Broadway show, created “Chardonnay Go, The Board Game for Wine Lovers, Moms and Other Shameless People” and was a LIVE with Kelly Top 5 Co-Host Winner.
She has served as the Official Host of the Miss America Pageant Preliminaries for 10 years, as co-host with Anderson Cooper and has had her own talk show on NJ 101.5 FM. In her free time, Dena enjoys making videos about wine and laughing ’til her face hurts. She drinks in her living room every week on her Facebook LIVE show, Tipsy Tuesday, with thousands of fans worldwide. She hates doing dishes and enjoys eating gluten-free lasagna. Be sure to follow Dena at