A passionate enthusiast on value and impact Al has spent his entire career as a storyteller helping people and organizations find their voice and share their brand story. The founder of ValueMapping™, Al and his team help organizations embed a culture of value and uncover the DNA of what makes their people, products and processes special. This is accomplished through a patent-pending process which provides deeper understanding and authentic communication of value through the lens of impact. Al’s diverse career has included being a spokesman for more than 10,000 radio & TV commercials, speaking and representing brands such as Home Depot, Publix Supermarkets, the PGA Tour and the National MS Society. Despite serving in executive marketing and communications leadership roles in the corporate, small-business and non-profit sectors, Al has always lived through an entrepreneur’s lens both coaching 100’s of start-ups as well as launching his own companies. Today, Value-Mapping™ is the culmination of Al’s life’s work. A graduate of Jacksonville University, Al earned an Executive MBA in Leadership and is currently writing his first book on Value and Impact. He has 3 wonderful grown, “adult size” children and an incredible wife.
Web: valuemapping.com
Twitter: @acoolidea
LinkedIn: Linkedin.com/in/alemerick
Facebook: facebook.com/valuemapping